Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0432 854 344

Working Schedule: 
Monday: 12:00pm - 3:45pm

Buffer time between appointments
New Patient: 20 minutes
Review: 10 minutes
Free Trial: 10 minutes

Preferred email responses to patients
Q: How would you like us to respond if a patient asks clinical questions?
A: That you will forward on to doctor and will get a reply asap. Doctor may feel it necessary to book a short apt depending on complexity of question. 

Q: After a new patient appointment, would you like us to automatically offer a review appointment to your patient for the specified timeframe (eg. 3 months)?
A: Yes please

Q: What issues or queries do you consider to be needing a short appointment?
A: Side effects from medication.

Q: Are you happy for us to convert one of your available New Patient appointments to a Review appointment if need be?
A: Please ask first, I could probably add it as an additional apt on a Monday rather than instead of a new appointment.

Q: If you are on leave would it be okay to offer your patients a review appointment with another doctor if needed?
A: Yes

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