Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0429 306 712

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0429 306 712
Working Schedule:
Monday: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Buffer time between appointments
New Patients: 20 minutes
Reviews: 15 minutes
Short: 10 minutes
Free Trial: 5 minutes
Q: How would you like us to respond if a patient asks clinical questions?
A: That's a really hard question to answer because it really depends on what the question is! I like being copied into the correspondence so I can see what the issue is and I can email the patient if necessary. What you have been doing so far has been working well for me, if you could keep doing that, or if you are not sure, please email me. Thank you.
Q: After a new patient appointment, would you like us to automatically offer a review appointment to your patient for the specified timeframe (eg. 3 months)?
A: I usually ask all my new patients to see me after 6 weeks for their first review appts, then after this, it is usually 3-6 monthly depending on how things are going. I would like all reviews at 6 weeks to have the MSS re-sent to them too, please. Thank you.
Q: What issues or queries do you consider to be needing a short appointment?
A: Script only, results only (ie for the results after they have commenced their testosterone, 4 weeks later)
Q: Are you happy for us to convert one of your available New Patient appointments to a Review appointment if need be?
A: Yes
Q: If you are on leave would it be okay to offer your patients a review appointment with another doctor if needed?
A: I would prefer to see them myself, so I would prefer you let me know initially so I can try and work something out and I could try and see them myself, by maybe fitting them in somewhere else or doing an extra evening on one of my other days, but otherwise yes